lunedì 7 novembre 2016

First school day

I'm sitting at the cafeteria of  Regent School in London, sipping the 4th tea of the day.....
I met the teachers for this week, Anthony and Ian, both teaching the Professional development course.
Anthony focused the lesson on using short films ( less than 3 minutes long) to create predicting questions, make students communicate to each other , enlarging their vocabulary and improving their memory of details. This is a good activity for teenagers since they are hilarious and very effective.
The link is www.virginmediashortsvirginmediashorts   You can also practice second conditional  with some of them.
Ian showed us some pronounciation drills by using the British council phonemic chart. That was really boring so the problem is.... how can we make these activities more entertaining and challenging for students?
That's all for today, freezing weather but no rain for the moment....

1 commento:

  1. It looks like being a really interesting course! Thanks for the suggestions and take care
